The cactus family (Cactaceae) consists of about 131 genera and 1,866 species of flowering plants, almost all of which are found in the New World. Most cacti are adapted to arid environments, though a number of species are native to rainforests and other tropical or subtropical areas. Many have succulent photosynthetic stems and reduced leaves that are often modified as spines. The flowers are typically showy with numerous petals.
This is the list of some cactus & Succulent seeds:
Ariocarpus. Aztekium. Adenium
Duvalia Disco cactus. Commiphora
Echinocactus Eriosyce Glottyphillum
Huemia Matucana Oroya
Plumeria Puna Rauhia
Sulcorebutia Thelocactus Tylecodon
Turbinicarpus Uncarina Xerophyta
1 Pick seed pods from existent cacti or buy commercial seeds. When it comes to obtaining seeds for your cactus, you have two options: buying seeds from a gardening store or supplier or picking your own from a cactus that you already have at your disposal. Here, you are essentially choosing between price and convenience — store-bought seeds are cheap and pre-packaged, while self-picked seeds are free but require a little more work.3
Next, harvest the seeds from the pods. Once you've removed all of the mature pods from your cactus, it's time to remove the seeds themselves from the pods. Begin by using a sharp knife to slice the tops off of the pods. Next, slice down one side of the pod to expose the seeds. Finally, remove the seeds by carefully scraping them from the inside of the pod.Rare Perennial Cactus & Succulent Plants Mix 100 Fresh Viable Seeds + Free Gift!. Dispatched with Royal Mail 1st Class.
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